I've gotten into the first page- it's coming along the way I had envisioned it. My process is simple. First I rough out the pages, as you saw in my last post. After that I begin to draw the full-size page on 11x17 pages that I cut down from 18"x24" Strathmore drawing paper.
Once I get it to a point that is semi-rendered I then grab a piece of Strathmore 11"x17" smooth drawing board. I overlay this on my lightbox and begin to work on outlining everything cleanly with a lead holder. Of course I do change certain things and add new parts to the page too. I picked up this technique from talking to Lienil Francis Yu about his process.
The fourth panel was taken directly from the movie Psycho (the infamous shower scene of course).
Here's a look at some of my tools.
So, that's all for now. I'm working on the next few pages, at the moment, before I start to ink, color AND LETTER this page! Man, this stuff is so time-consuming!
Thanks for your support!