I hope that all is well! I've been working diligently on City Girls in my spare time. When thing that is sort of off topic is that I saw the movie Sucker Punch over the weekend. Although the reviews were all around bad, I thought the movie was right on target for what it was trying to achieve. "And what was it trying to achieve?" one might ask. My answer is, "I have absolutely no idea!". I do have a guess though- entertainment. As a fan of all things awesome I must say that this movie had some moments of magic. I recommend it to anyone who wants to see amazing effects with a hint of story (you can see that I have very low expectations when I go to the theatre). Did I mention that the girls wear leotards and skirts through the entire film? I digress...
Page two of City Girls is underway as you can see:
This is the final pencilled page after I light-boxed over the roughs (below). Unlike with page number 1, a lot changed from the initial roughs. The direction of panel 1 and the hands of panel 4 are the most noticeable. Let's see if you can find any other differences.
The third panel, if you look closely, is shifted to the right. I did this because I had to extend the panel on the right side. The dimensions were then adjusted on the left when I light-boxed over it.
Oh wait! There's more!
Here's a sneak peak at panel one of page three. It's a street view of downtown Boston where two new characters are introduced into the story.
Still more work to be done, but the perspective is all worked out.
I'll be posting up some new developments soon. The Boston Comic Con is just around the corner!
Thanks for your support,
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